February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Acts 13:38&39

"By Him all that believe are justified from all things."


Christ's death, descent, and resurrection not only provide the way for us to live eternally but also to be freed from all things.  In our attempts to preach the gospel we have freed men from the fear of death and Hell in the future but gave them no hope presently.  But the gospel preached through Christ liberates the believer from all things past, present, and future.  It sets man up to live totally freed from all sin, guilt, and condemnation.

He does the work.  The phrase "by Him" determines that the work of justification (freedom) has been accomplished by Jesus Christ.  The believer is not justified by any deed he can do; he is not free because he is good or performs perfectly before God.  Jesus' deeds (not man's) are applied to the account of all believers. 

Jesus told the crowds that the work that God required of man was to believe in the Son whom God had sent.  The work is not just believing in the teaching of Jesus; it is to trust in His life, death, provision for salvation, and His Finished Work.  Man is to lean the weight of his soul and life on what Christ did.  We ought not ask the question What would Jesus do, but rather what did Jesus do?

Jesus freed the believer from all things.  This thought is so refreshing in light of legalistic religion that binds up man under the condemnation of all his errors.  Jesus' work releases man from the sin and guilt of ALL things.  This means that there is nothing that is remembered, held in storage, or left unjustified.  Past, present, and future failings are not just covered they are eradicated in the work of Jesus Christ.  It was for freedom that Christ has set us free. 

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