February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grace Reigns in life

Romans 5:18-21

Paul is comparing the work of Adam with the work of Jesus.  We see the effects of Adam everyday and tend to trust in his failure more than Christ's success.  The Apostle teaches that the first man's sin does have an effect.  Adam's disobedience ushered sin into the world and condemnation came with it.  But Jesus' Finished Work (ONE righteous act) brought life-giving justification for all.  The work of Jesus surpasses the work of Adam.  Paul goes on to say that because of Adam's sin many were made sinners.  We believe today that everyone is a sinner.  Adam's work infected everyone.  Yet, when we speak of the work of Christ it doesn't (in our theology) change people completely.  So, in essence we exclaim yes to the work of Adam by faith, but to the work of Christ?
The revelation that Paul gives says the work of Christ makes men righteous.  Adam made men sinners; Jesus makes them righteous.  Whose work wins?  If you are still a "sinner by nature" then Adam's work is more complete and Christ is a coming work.  Think about it; Adam's work had immediate results.  Why would the work of Christ have results that would be processional?  Romans the 5th chapter teaches that the results of the work of Christ are not only instanteous but life-changing.  Not only is the work of justification immediate it changes us by nature.
Grace reigns in life through the righteous act of Jesus.  His righteousness given to us by the Unmerited Favor of God and our acceptance only by faith causes Grace to reign over sin, death, and hell.  Often times we don't let it reign because we can't accept the Unmerited Favor of God.  We still think we have to earn it with good deeds and perfect performance.  Christians (including myself) fail to continually realize that if I would believe in the Grace of God absolutely I would watch it conquer temptation, sin, failure, disease, poverty, etc...If we would only trust solely in the Finished Work of Christ then we would see the life that God has promised.  It rests on faith.  Grace is already reigning all around us; faith opens our eyes and draws our attention off us and onto the Unmerited Favor of God.  "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."  Purity of heart is oneness of vision; therefore don't look at yourself as a miserable sinner, but the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 
After this you will see "Grace as it is falling all around you."

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