February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Little Foolishness?

I hope today you can afford me a little space to be giddy.  I am in love with my Savior and I wish to write today just how much.  It may be a little silly but I can't focus on "doctrine" today, my heart has a different tune to it.  There are some times that we must break from the serious nature of "instruction" and dance in the light of His glory and grace.  I feel a little like David today when the Ark of the Covenant came into Jerusalem and he leaped before God with all his might.  Maybe I'll uncover myself and someone will get offended.  But I will become even more undignified than this.  Praise the Lord.
He is my love; my first love.  Jesus is what love is all about.  When He speaks there is love; when He moves there is love, and His being drips with the dew of His love.  All that He does for me is built upon the character and nature of His passion for this broken, flawed human.  It truly amazes me how much He cares for us who clearly at times forgets Him in the light of the world and its machines.  Yet, there He is loving all the way.  Consuming us with His eternal compassion and joy that He lavishes upon the foolish and ignorant. (Of the which I am chief.) 
I can feel His smile today and I have done nothing to warrant it.  There is not one good deed that has flowed out of my existence to mark a point at which He should be proud of me.  And yet, I feel the warmth of His love rolling over me because that is who He is.  I know in this hour He is leaping over us because we have been redeemed, saved from sin, death, and hell; that makes Him glad.  Oh, the grace of Jesus!!!
Let us rejoice with Him today.  Let us sing songs of redemption and gladness as we celebrate His existence.  Not because He does good, but because He is.  Jump with joy and split your pants (I told you foolishness).  Let us be joyous before man, beast, mountain, and stream.  Let the universe see our thankful, exuberant hearts. 

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