February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grace! Always amazing?

I think we would all say yes to the question of grace being amazing always.  God's unmerited favor is a thing that boggles our minds as we ponder on how much it covers, what it conquers, and how it characterizes our relationship with Christ.  It's boundless nature and its holy work in our lives often are a cause for us to stay in awe of how really good God is.  There is no time when it is not beautiful, amazing and wonderful.
Yet, being a person under grace means that we are a people of Grace.  What I mean by that is that we are not the only ones who are benefiting from the work of Grace; but we are also conduits of His Grace.  As much as God wants to release us in the wonder of His everlasting, abundant, full and meaningful life He wants every man to experience the same.  This is  where grace may get a little sticky in the minds of people.  Because the ones who are irritating, abusing, and afflicting us are also in need of God's unmerited favor.  How can we deny them what He does not deny us? 
I was angry at a person a few months ago (I mean really angry), and God asked me if I wanted to be like Him.  I said of course I do.  He graciously answered back, "then let them go."  In my heart I said, "can I answer the first question again."  (No really I do want to be like Him.)  See God has released me so many times on the basis of the work of Christ not on the merit of my works or worth.  No I am not worthy to be released and forgiven; but by the blood of Christ God's grace sets me free to live, move, and have my being. 
We live in a time when mercy is short and grace (true grace) is missing.  People all around us are living such self-centered lives; and are critical of others who do the same.  We as a society are constantly clashing against one anothers egos, plans, agendas, and self-service.  And we don't afford the same measure of mercy we expect of others.  This is the time we who are under Grace ought to be spreaading it around; bringing others under the same shelter as we are enjoying.
 I think we refuse grace to others because we refuse it to ourselves.  We who are under grace haven't fully accepted that we are under grace; and we live lives under condemnation.  If we condemn ourselves we cannot help but condemn others.  Because we preach less than grace, we give less than grace.  Solution: believe the unmerited favor of God over your life and Let the River Flow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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