February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Bethel's Poem - The Believer Bird

I was just a little bird,
I couldn't even fly
When I fell out of nest waiting and wanting to die
My wings were broken and I was too,
I was going to die, that one thing I knew
No one would save me not even my mother
As I laid there in tears, I started to wonder
"Was my mother angry with me,
did I do something wrong,
Is this my punishment for breaking the law,
are there no second chances, no mercy, no grace?
My life is the price of the sins that I make.
Yes, it must be otherwise I would not be here.
I guess this it, my end draws near,
I feel it will come before the end of the hour
that soon will appear."
At the depth of my despair I heard a voice call out to me.
It was not the voice of my mother
for I has never heard this voice before,
but it spoke with love and kindness toward me,
"fear not my child for I am with you."
Just as I started to ask what he meant,
the end of the hour came. 
My heart began to slow,
life was depleting from my body,
and suddenly I felt a touch of a hand
and I opened my eyes to see a man,
he was shining with brillance, glowing with glory
and his face read of kindness and love.
I then realized that I was alive and well,
my heart had quickened, and life flowed into me
and I truly felt alive.
The man then picked me up
and put me into the palm of his hand and kissed my face,
he began to dance uncontrollably,
blessing and thanking his Father for creating me.
At first I didn't understand this, but then I remembered
the stories that my mother had read to me
about a Christ who died on a tree to save everyone;
even the ones that had killed him.
Could this be he, the Messiah of all men,
the King of kings, the savior of all men?
Maybe, just maybe.

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