February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Foundations of the Christian Life Session 6

Foundations of the Christian Life              Lesson 6


1.  Grace Reigned from

    A.   Grace from Adam to Moses
   B.  Why did the Law become God’s program for the people of God?  He didn’t with Abe, Ike, and Jake
   C.  Abraham’s covenant was a covenant of Grace and Blessing
   D.  God’s sovereign choice of Abraham and descendants was a choice of Grace
   E.  Abraham was not a “perfect” man; God promised and he believed and he was Righteous first
   F.  Abe was righteous without works of the law

2.  Law was Given by Moses

A.  Exodus 19:4-8
B.  God is enacting a covenant with the children of Israel
C.  They said, “ALL that Lord hath spoken we will do.”
D.  This is an audacious and self-righteous statement
E.  Law then was given – man cannot keep the entire law by himself
F.  Self – effort – the Tower of Babel – they believed they could take the abilities, intelligence and unity                      and get to God on their own

3.  A Ministry of Death and Condemnation
A.  Exodus 19:12-22
B.  2 Corinthians 3:7-9
C.  The people could not approach the mountain or they would die
D.  The Law kills – it was given not to make men holy but to accuse them for judgment of sin
E.  No flesh is justified by works of the law
F  Moses was not administering life – he was dealing out death
G  And condemnation – the law only brings condemnation not justification (it hasn’t the power to make anything right)
H.  The letter kills, the Word gives life

4.  Law was Given
A.  Romans 3:10-20
B.  All guilty before God
C.  To give the knowledge of sin
D.  The law gives the consciousness of sin – awakens the sin
E.  1 Corinthians 15:56 – the strength of sin is the law
     “Don’t throw rocks at the glass house” sign – awakens the sin
5.  The law was given to Judge sin in the body of Christ
6.  Deuteronomy 28 – the blessing

A.  If you obey all the commandments (they said they would in Exodus 19)
B.  Then blessing comes – blessing is contingent on moral perfection (this is old covenant)
C.  Blessing: verses 1-14
D.  Remember under Grace: Blessing comes from God’s Grace poured out upon the objects of His love –     Adam and Abraham
E.  Under Mosaic covenant blessing comes from perfect obedience

7.  Deuteronomy 28 – the Cursing
A.  If you don’t obey all the commandments – cursing will come upon you – the curse of the law
B.  Disobedience gets you cursed
C.  Cursing: 15-68
D.  Can a man keep the whole law? 
E.  Remember Romans 3:10-20 – He can’t so the curse of the law is in effect
There is no middle ground

8.  Good News

A.  Galatians 3:10-14
B. Cursed are all who rely on works of the law
C. Cursed is all who do not abide by all things written in the law to DO them
D. No one is justified (declared righteous) before God by the law
E.  Righteous shall live by faith? Faith in What?
F.  Verse 13 – Redeemed us from the curse of the law – by becoming a curse for us
G.  Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree
H. SO THAT….Awesome!!
I.  Blessing (Deut.28 first part) might come on the Gentiles
J.  SO THAT – they might receive the P

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