February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Monday, December 31, 2012

If God be for us Part 3

Romans 8:31-34.

God is for us because His Son is not bringing man into condemnation but always interceding for him.  The Only One who could condemn us does not. God doesn't bring a charge against the elect because He charged the sin of the elect to the Savior.  And the Savior will not condemn the believer because He was condemned for them.  Jesus was fully indicted and condemned to death as the whole of humanity once for all.  And there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

He never came to bring man into condemnation.  It is unfortunate that the Church has taken up what Christ Himself refused to engage in.  The ministry of Christ was to bring many sons to glory; not castigate them into a just judgment for their crimes.  He came not into the world to condemn it but to seek and save that which was lost.  Jesus would not bring the guilty into sentence but while He was here He relieved the noose that was put around humanity's neck by the law.  I can't help but think of the woman caught in adultery (the very act.)  Jesus said, "where are your accusers...neither do I condemn you go and sin no more."  His role is not condemnation ever.

Jesus intercedes instead of condemns.  Paul says in our text that the only one who could condemn is at the right hand of God ever living to make intercession for man.  This means that God (who could bring charges against the elect) will not judge but rather takes action to make men right and the one who could condemn rather stands in the gap for them always.  This is a hard truth to swallow because we are so used to hearing how God judges sin and punishes the guilty.  We rarely hear that He has worked on behalf of men. 

In the courtroom; we have an advocate with the Father.  What does He plead?  Does He pull out a listing of the good deeds we have done that will out weigh the rap sheet against us?  No.  There is only one basis for our defense.  The blood of the Son of God Jesus Christ.  Upon this foundation we have right standing before God; we are forgiven and released solely on the Finished Work of the Son.  God is not against you; but is for you.  There is no need for any condemnation and guilt.  All is forgiven all is at rest.  Be at rest.

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