February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Foundations of the Christian Life - Lesson 4

Foundations of the Christian Life –Lesson 4


1.  What is Man?

Psalm 8:4-8

The Psalmist defines from original creation

God made man – this is the true definition of what is man

God answers by going back to the beginning

God doesn’t define man by sin; He defines him by grace

In fact God doesn’t mention the fall of man at all


2.  Made A little lower than God


Man was made different than other creatures – they came from the earth alone

God made man in His own image – Man was created after God

Adam was the expression of God’s glory and grace

He was the “son of God.”

Interesting fact: the number of God is 7, the number of man is 6 – God made him a little lower than himself – HMMMM?


3. Body, soul, Spirit


God has a body – Jesus Christ the Son – He manifests many times in the Old Testament – the Angel of the Lord, the Son of God in the fiery furnace, the Lord, Melchezidek etc…

God has a Soul – the Father – He is the personality, will, and desires of the Godhead  - He is the planner

God has a Spirit – The Holy Spirit –He is the life-force, breath of God

God created man in his own image – Man has a body, a soul, and a spirit as well


4.  Heaven and earth come together


God took the dust of the ground and formed man

Then He breathed the Spirit of life into the man and he became a living soul

The breath of God mingled with the clay of man and life began

Adam breathed the breath of God

Union of Heaven and Earth

And from out of that union God and man communed

(Two words constantly emphasize UNION and COMMUNION)


5.  Note


Jesus prayed “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth and it is in heaven.”

That kingdom and will are done on earth (you) as it is in heaven (Him)

Heaven and earth are once again united – our humanity with His divinity merged into eternal deity

6.  Crowned Him


Crowned – king’s wear crowns – Adam was created royalty

Glory – weight, value, and significance

God gave Adam a position of Sovereignty, Authority, and Power

It was a crowning of Grace – Adam certainly did not deserve it

He gave him glory without rules and regulations, without stipulations or requirements – Genesis 1:26-28

Honor – precious, esteem, reputation

God crowned Adam precious before all creation – precious to all creation – crowned him with a reputation unearned


7.  Made Ruler


Psalm 8:6

Made ruler over all the WORKS of His hands – All

Put all things under Adam’s feet

Adam defined Creation – Genesis 2:19&20

God shared His dominion with mankind – He will share His glory but not compete for it

Man was created in the glory of God (this is before he fell short of it)


8.  This is what Man is


The expression of His nature – made in His image

The extension of His Reign – given dominion over creation



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