February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Foundations of the Christian Life session 2 notes

Foundations of the Christian Life Part 2

Law came by Moses: Grace and Truth through Jesus   1 John 1:17

1.  The Law

     2 Corinthians 3:6 – The Letter Kills

     Doesn’t reveal the life and character of God

     Through the law comes the knowledge of sin and it has no ability to convey God nor BRING   salvation

     The Law never dwelt among men in the flesh – just in stone – stone has no life

     It can’t touch men nor can it be touched with the infirmities of man

2.  Grace and Truth Realized

     God is Grace and Truth

     Grace and Truth did not come into existence because of the sin of mankind – God is not reactive

     Grace and Truth has always been with God and has always been His motive

     Jesus brings the Grace and Truth in God to light (Isaiah 9:2)

     He is a revelation of the Grace of God - Grace and Truth that existed long before the law of sin and     



 3. What is Grace?

     Grace is God’s unmerited favor

     It is not based upon anything man does, says, or thinks

     Not based upon a system of merit nor demerit

     Grace is based upon the character and work of God – God’s favor is from His character; not ours

     Grace is rest

     Grace is revealed in the person and work of Jesus – Jesus therefore is Grace

     Grace is Sufficient – more than enough – 2 Cor. 12:9


 4.  The Foundation of the Church

       Almost all of the Apostles use it as a greeting and closing to the listeners (All except James)

       Paul uses it as a greeting and closing to all his letters to the churches

      Grace and Peace to you! Perhaps it was a greeting of believers

      The Gospel that was revealed to Paul was one of Grace – not just a proclamation of Grace and Truth

       – but a revelation of Jesus as Grace and Truth

      Paul fought to keep the Gospel of Grace free from law – Galatians 1:6-9


 5.  Gospel of Grace foundation

     Jesus plus nothing else

     Grace and truth teaches that the work of Jesus is enough

     1 Corinthians 1:30&31

     By His doing you are in Christ Jesus

     Who became to us:





      He did it for you and He did it TO you!!!!

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