February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Friday, January 18, 2013

Refections on the Now

God identified Himself to Moses as I am when they met in the  desert.  He didn't recount the past nor did He reveal the future with His name.  He simply was telling Israel I am the Now.  He is present with them this day and all that they encounter in this moment He is there to provide, protect, establish, and guide.  And Moses had come to rely and crave that present Now.  In fact in a later point God said that His presence would go with Moses and he said that he would not go if the presence of God was not with him.  Moses had come to a point that he was not relying upon what had happened yesterday nor what might happen tomorrow; but where God was in the now.  That is all that mattered.
Is that all that matters to us?  That is my question today.  I am at a place where I have no experience from the past to glean from nor do I have a picture of what tomorrow is going to bring.  All I have in this moment in the knowledge of His presence.  Sometimes I struggle with that really being enough.  But out in the wilderness the "I AM" must be enough, it is all you've got.  Moses discovered as we will discover that His presence is always with us and it always changes things.  It will bring you to your Promised Land.  A place and life of blessing and abundance.  I Am sent you. 

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