February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Foundations of the Christian Life - session 1 notes

Jesus A Revelation of God’s Grace                                                                    John 1:14-17
1.  The Word (not the letter a full word)
 A. Jesus is the expression of the Father
 B.  When you have seen Him you have seen the Father
 C.  The Word is the Revelation of God,  Jesus reveals the glory of God
 D.  The Revelation is full of Grace and Truth
 E.  Hebrews 1:3 – He is the expressed IMAGE of his person
2.  Grace and Truth
  A.  These two are Inseparable
  B.  Grace doesn’t demand truth; it produces it
  C.  Titus 2:11&12
  D.  Grace brings salvaton and teaches

  E.  Don’t worry about grace and license; Grace teaches truth and truth points to grace
  F.  The Word was full of Grace and Truth
 3.  Of His fullness have we all received
   A.  What Fullness?  What are we full of also?
   B.  We are receivers of the action
   C.  Full of Grace and Truth  - We have received the fullness of grace and truth that is in Jesus and the Father
“ As He IS in the world so also are we”  1 John 4:17
   D.  The Church is the fullness of Him who fills all in all
           Amplified version – Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all- for in that   body lives the  full measure of Him who makes everything Complete, and Who fills everything everywhere fills everything everywhere [with Himself].
 4.  Grace for Grace
   A.  God’s grace is NEVERENDING
   B.  Many-sided grace of God – extremely diverse [powers and gifts granted to Christians] by  God’s unmerited favor.
  C.  People put Limits on the grace of God
  D.  The Grace of God is UNLIMITED and UNCONDITIONAL

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