February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Under Law?

Paul said that no flesh is justified by works of the law.  This means that when a man seeks to be "right" with God by his own deeds he is under the law.  No man can on his own merit make peace with God; he the unjust can't be just with God.  The Law was given to get man to realize that before God he was justifibly helpless; he can't live righteously according to the law.  In fact Paul makes a statement in Romans 3 that no man is righteous not even one.  If not one man is righteous then he cannot even produce one righteous act.  How then can he be justified before God if he can't even produce one righteous thing.
The church paradigm is that we are saved and initially justified (declared righteous) by God but from time to time (some say every moment) we come out of that and need to do something to be right with God.  We have forgotten that God made Jesus the "just" and the "justifier" of the one who has faith.  It is sad that we have made all kinds of good spiritual activities law so that we can be "right" with God.  I have said and heard said that if you want to be right with God you need to pray everyday, read your bible, go to church, pray with your kids, witness, and give to the poor.  These things are wonderful acts of who we are in Christ, but have been elevated over redemption.  It is no longer a righteousness based upon faith in the Finished Work of Christ, but on what I can do to keep God happy with lesser sacrifices.
The only "way" be "right" with God is the Work of Christ.  His blood is what redeems us from all our sin; not our deeds before or after this great work.  Hebrews says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.  My conduct good or bad has no bearing on the redemption of Christ; God is appeased only through the sacrifice of Jesus.  It is a total shame that holiness by works is considered more effective than holiness by faith.  I mean that we put more confidence in "righteous" acts of our own doing to keep us righteous than in the blood of Christ.  This is why the modern church is so hobbled and ineffective; we have abandoned the power of the Finished work of Christ and replaced it with a holiness of our own making.  We place more emphasis on what we do and diminish by those deeds what He did. 
You may say how then do we keep people holy and from sinning?  I ask how will ever know the power of the risen life of Christ if we keep interfering?  We should be placing greater faith in righteousness by faith than we do righteousness by personal effort.  There is no way a man will be holy apart from faith in the Work of Christ; he will forever be alienated from God if he keeps on trying to gain and keep what Christ already got and is keeping for him.  As long as we keep piously interfering we will never know true holiness.  Have faith in the work of Jesus; that's it.   

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