February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Monday, February 11, 2013

Can you let go?

The rich young ruler had a materialistic soul that is to be sure, but he also couldn't let go of meritous religion.  He was confident in his wealth and his own piety; he was in no way poor in his life.  Sure he had a hard time letting go of his possession but he also couldn't part with his own goodness.  The law appealed to him because he could measure and calculate his own greatness in every sphere.  See he was rich in the sphere of the material, and as affluent in the religious sphere as well.  He couldn't let go of himself.  Law based religion was just another way to present his superiority of quality.
Jesus called him not just to physical poverty the outward expression of his inward condition, but also to give up score keeping.  He invited the man out into the world of obscurity and oblivion of merit and value.  The Lord was wanting the rich young man to give up his status, power, priviledge as well as his own piety and religiousity.  To become nothing.  No, the young man could not give up the material but he also could not let go of his own glory.  The weight of his own importance was too much just to let go and to become nothing.  Jesus was asking too much.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, " says Jesus, "for their's is the kingdom of heaven."  The ones who are nothing are the ones who have everything.  This is totally opposite of the way in which material man loooks at life; he judges worth in dollars, position, and merit.  We don't judge greatness upon the measure of nothingness.  And the law strokes the ego of people caught up in their own personal value.  After all it helps us keep score and gives us a standard by which we can aspire to, right?  Most of the time it becomes a way for man to elevate himself and look down upon any who would challenge his glory.  But it is those who think neither greater nor lesser than the people in whom they share the globe with that are truly blessed. 
Can you let go of the game?  Can you leave the crazy system of measure between men of faith and seize the simplicity of being found in Him?  See it is not about how we measure up or what we merit in this age or the age to come that determines our "piety."  But it is how much we depend upon the Work of Jesus and the thing He merited for every living and dead thing.  Can you let it go and trust in this work alone?  Or is your "faith" too entangled, intwined with your ego to let it go?  It is truly a sad, sad thing to watch one who thinks they are rich walk away from the only One who can make them inherit everything.  How often we men trade the wealth of the Kingdom for trinkets of the world? Hmm.

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