February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Greatness Possible?

God is showing me how much He wants to be involved in our lives.  We have reserved Him into the "Churchy" things of life and have not accessed His amazing presence in every sphere of existence.  Peter says that He has granted to us "everything pertaining to life and godliness."  He has not just granted to us salvation and future inheritence.  He has granted us everything that pertains to life.  Too much of our lives are independent of the one in whom we are yoked together.  And a life lived like this is just a tragedy.
I like Olympic beach volleyball.  There is a player named Phil Dalhauser and he is amazing.  I love to watch him take out opponents with his incredible height and ability.  If I was ever in a beach volleyball tournement and could have anyone in the world on my team; you better believe it would be Phil.  Now, I know that Phil would be doing most of the work, but that would be okay for me.  To stand in his presence and watch him hit ball after ball back, well Wow.  It would be foolish for me in the tourney to say, "Phil sit back I got this, and if I need help I'll just yell out!"  No way.  I would be, "Hey Phil you do your magic and if you need my help just yell, but really I think you got it."
Paul says the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.  So, I figure it is alot like me and Phil only greater.  In life who better to partner with than Christ Jesus. And not just partner but be fused with.  Jesus and I are one with the Father and so I should be living in conjunction with Him.  Actually a great word is yoked.  You always yoke a weak animal with a great animal.  The greatness of the one is shared with the weaker one.  I am therefore yoked with Christ.  His greatness is a gift for me not to just worship and admire, but to experience.
What I am trying to say is "let go and let God."  At my work today I decided the job is just way too big for me so I said to God, "You are the Human Resources Assistant today."  I am the weak yoke animal, as He pulls me greatness insues. Praise God!!! He did great today.  Can you let Him be the GREAT yoke one and you share in His greatness even now?

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