February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sin Conscious, Sin Obsessed

1 Corinthians15:34

Believers need to turn our consciousness away from sin and toward Christ.  There is way too much emphasis on sin in our Christian culture.  I know that people need to be aware of their personal sin, but they need to be more aware of what Christ did in them.  Paul tells his followers to Awake to Righteousness and do not sin.  We need to have a righteousness awakening; and what follows is freedom from sin.  Too much attention is given to the not sinning when we have not awakened people to righteousness.
Okay, the church is struggling in this age with its image and sin.  Paul was writing to a church in Corinth that was having the same issues.  But His advise was not to focus first on the sin of the people, but to awaken them to who they were in Christ.  He directed them to be conscious of the fact of their righteousness in Christ, and the not sinning will follow.  Our attention must be fixed upon Christ; let us fix our attention on the Finished work of Christ.  What He did; not what we do.

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