February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

God is appeased Forever in Christ

Christianity is becoming a faith that tries to appease a god that cannot be appeased.  He has become much like the Greek gods, capricious and fickle.  One time He is happy because you are acting in a manner consistent with His law; and other times He is full of rage, hell-fire, and brimstone because you have missed the mark.  If this were the case He would be happy in the morning and then raging mad in the afternoon.  His moods would rise and fall on the behavior of His follows.  God would not even be in charge of His own emotions; who then would be the god?  We often justify this notion with the "just" God argument; declaring that because God is just He must punish sin. 
Actually Jesus became the Just and the Justifier of the one who has faith in God.  There is only one way to appease God and that is by blood.  Not the fickle and temporal blood of bulls and sheep but of the eternal blood of His Son.  Hebrews says that, "by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified."  That means that Jesus' blood appeases God forever.  FOREVER.  Therefore God is not angry with you anymore based upon the blood of Jesus. 
There is a five dollar word that describes this total appeasing and it is propitiation.  This word literally means the satisfying or appeasing the demands of God and the law.  "He himself IS the propitiation for our sins; and not of ours only, but also for those of the whole world." (1 John 2:2 NASB)  Sometimes we stress the first part of this verse; he himself is the propitiation for our sins.  And yet we fail to recognize the second and third clause; and not ours ONLY, but of those of the whole world.  Christ has paid the full price for all of the world.  Every man can now stand before a God who is not angry with them.  All we need to do is believe. We don't have to do anything to appease God; He has been appeased in the doing of His Son.  Our simple response is faith. 
God is looking for people who will trust in Him and His provision totally.  It is not dependent upon us to make God happy by our deeds; we are called to believe in the deeds of Christ. 

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