February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Expect Victory

2 Corinthians 2:14, 1 John 5:4-5

I'm sick of expecting failure, disaster, and defeat.  It makes me mad that I let the fears and intimdations of this world back me into a state of insecurity.  Are you tired of sitting around waiting for the boom to be lowered and see all your good, hard work ruined by mice and men?  This ought not be what we expect in the Kingdom.  Surely we should be standing firm in the conviction that the Crucified Jesus is greater than all the kingdoms in all the worlds.  It is high time we return to the simplicity of expectation of Victory.
Paul says that God ALWAYS leads us in a triumphant procession.  He is the leader of the ticket tape parade that signifies that the war is over and we are a conquering people of a victorious King: leader of Unbeatable Kingdom.  That is right.  We have far too long let the devil, the world, and "circumstances" of life keep us in a prison of fear.  There is no doom; there is no destruction.  The Church of Christ is not marching into Victory it is celebrating it.  We are not fighting the hoards of hell trying to free ourselves from sin and Satan; but are a people who are coming behind a King that has destroyed all so that we might be free.
John stated that whatever is born of God is a world conquerer.  Think about it.  If the same seed rests in the children of a God who defeated the world, flesh, and the devil; then those who possess that seed will do the same.  If the Father can do it, so can His children.  The victory that overcomes the world is our faith in the Finished Work of Jesus.  Believe, Believe, Believe!!! That is it. 

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