February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Died With......

If we have died with Christ we believe that we shall also live with Him

One day I was pondering on the death of Christ and it came over me that Jesus really died.  I know that sounds obvious since we have been schooled on that from the very beginning.  But it hit me that the statement "He died" means that His brain, heart, vital organs, and blood stopped living.  There was no more pulse or brain activity. Jesus for the first time in His existence stopped being.  This Son of God who was before the foundations of the world cease to live anymore. I had never thought of it like that; I sat down and cried.  He who knew no death; who had conquered it in His lifetime, gave into to it.  The Son of God tasted death for everyman.  Wow!
What does this mean in regard to our salvation?  It means that when Christ died I died with Him.  The old man ceased to breathe, bleed, live, and sin.  The old Joel died. Death is a final affair for the one who has died.  Now that is hard to accept when I examine my experience and still do the things I once did.  It is hard to believe that when I crave the old things that I once loved to do; and say the things that I once said.  The truth of this is severly challenged as I look in the mirror and see the old visage looking back at me.  But the truth is the truth.  We need to start believing the word of God over what we see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. The old person died with Christ.
Joseph Prince always says "right believing leads to right living."  I believe that to be true.  If we start believing we are dead to sin we could stop sinning because of our death.  Remember death is a final thing for the dead.  Paul said "reckon yourselves to be dead to sin; but alive to God in Christ Jesus."  Okay you Ozarkians it is time to reckon yourselves to be DEAD to sin. I mean dead!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Crucified With.....

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ. 
Crucifixion is not something that happens everyday here in America.  In fact it hasn't happened as a criminal punishment in a very long time.  The capital punished has long since been abandoned and now fades into history if not for the Christian religion.  So as modern people we don't understand the agony and full effects of the gruesome way in which the Romans condemned the guilty in their society.  Being removed from the experiential knowledge of it we often miss the full impact of what it did to the society and the body of the person crucified.  The only reference we have tends to be Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. 
We know the effects of the cross of Christ about as much as we know of Roman crucifixion.  One amazing fact about the cross of Christ is that it ceased all punishment for the believer.  There is no longer a need for the person of Christ to be crucified because the death of Jesus was enough.  It satisfied the demands that the law had against you and I.  We are free because He was crucified on the Roman Cross.  There are no more "crosses" for the believer once he has entered into Christ. 
Jesus became what you did so you could become what He is.  There is a scripture in Luke that quotes Jesus, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me."  When Jesus was placed upon the cross you and I were gathered to Him and were crucified with Him.  Luke goes on to give commentary.  "He said this to signfiy the death that He would die."  Christ was preaching that when He was crucified the whole world would be crucified with Him.  There was no more crucifixions to happen.
The effects of that one act are amazing.  Jesus reveals them to us through His Spirit.  I will mention just one.  Sin no longer is a master over you.  Because you have died with Christ you have died to the old man, the world, sin, and the Devil.  You have been cut off from their influence, power, and mastery.  As a man who has literally died and can no longer sin, so you have died and are liberated from it.  Now walk it out.  You do not need to try as a dead man gives no effort; declare your death to sin, society, and satan and let the freedom of Christ reign in you. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Little Foolishness?

I hope today you can afford me a little space to be giddy.  I am in love with my Savior and I wish to write today just how much.  It may be a little silly but I can't focus on "doctrine" today, my heart has a different tune to it.  There are some times that we must break from the serious nature of "instruction" and dance in the light of His glory and grace.  I feel a little like David today when the Ark of the Covenant came into Jerusalem and he leaped before God with all his might.  Maybe I'll uncover myself and someone will get offended.  But I will become even more undignified than this.  Praise the Lord.
He is my love; my first love.  Jesus is what love is all about.  When He speaks there is love; when He moves there is love, and His being drips with the dew of His love.  All that He does for me is built upon the character and nature of His passion for this broken, flawed human.  It truly amazes me how much He cares for us who clearly at times forgets Him in the light of the world and its machines.  Yet, there He is loving all the way.  Consuming us with His eternal compassion and joy that He lavishes upon the foolish and ignorant. (Of the which I am chief.) 
I can feel His smile today and I have done nothing to warrant it.  There is not one good deed that has flowed out of my existence to mark a point at which He should be proud of me.  And yet, I feel the warmth of His love rolling over me because that is who He is.  I know in this hour He is leaping over us because we have been redeemed, saved from sin, death, and hell; that makes Him glad.  Oh, the grace of Jesus!!!
Let us rejoice with Him today.  Let us sing songs of redemption and gladness as we celebrate His existence.  Not because He does good, but because He is.  Jump with joy and split your pants (I told you foolishness).  Let us be joyous before man, beast, mountain, and stream.  Let the universe see our thankful, exuberant hearts. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grace! Always amazing?

I think we would all say yes to the question of grace being amazing always.  God's unmerited favor is a thing that boggles our minds as we ponder on how much it covers, what it conquers, and how it characterizes our relationship with Christ.  It's boundless nature and its holy work in our lives often are a cause for us to stay in awe of how really good God is.  There is no time when it is not beautiful, amazing and wonderful.
Yet, being a person under grace means that we are a people of Grace.  What I mean by that is that we are not the only ones who are benefiting from the work of Grace; but we are also conduits of His Grace.  As much as God wants to release us in the wonder of His everlasting, abundant, full and meaningful life He wants every man to experience the same.  This is  where grace may get a little sticky in the minds of people.  Because the ones who are irritating, abusing, and afflicting us are also in need of God's unmerited favor.  How can we deny them what He does not deny us? 
I was angry at a person a few months ago (I mean really angry), and God asked me if I wanted to be like Him.  I said of course I do.  He graciously answered back, "then let them go."  In my heart I said, "can I answer the first question again."  (No really I do want to be like Him.)  See God has released me so many times on the basis of the work of Christ not on the merit of my works or worth.  No I am not worthy to be released and forgiven; but by the blood of Christ God's grace sets me free to live, move, and have my being. 
We live in a time when mercy is short and grace (true grace) is missing.  People all around us are living such self-centered lives; and are critical of others who do the same.  We as a society are constantly clashing against one anothers egos, plans, agendas, and self-service.  And we don't afford the same measure of mercy we expect of others.  This is the time we who are under Grace ought to be spreaading it around; bringing others under the same shelter as we are enjoying.
 I think we refuse grace to others because we refuse it to ourselves.  We who are under grace haven't fully accepted that we are under grace; and we live lives under condemnation.  If we condemn ourselves we cannot help but condemn others.  Because we preach less than grace, we give less than grace.  Solution: believe the unmerited favor of God over your life and Let the River Flow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trusting in Jesus

Hebrews 1:1-4

One powerful phrase in this text really sticks out to me; "He appointed Him heir of all things."  I have been meditating on this verse for days (why I have not written my blog).  Because the Son was obedient God gave Him ownership of everything.  That means that all things are under the Lordship of Jesus Christ now and forever.  He is not going to be the heir of all things, God has already highly exalted Him to the seat at His own right hand.  In the book of Luke Jesus says that the Father had handed all things over to Him. (Luke 10:22)  And Paul in Colossians writes that, "He is before all things, and by Him all things are held together.  The writer of Hebrews says that "he upholds all things by the word of His power."Jesus is in Control.
We must be careful not to judge His position by what we see going on around us.  Sometimes we interpret the truth of God's word by our senses.  We don't see how He could be over all things and in control when all things seem out of control.  But we should never allow what we see, feel, taste, touch, and smell to take precedent over the word of God.  God's word says that he is before all things and by Him all things are held together.  This truth should trump all others. 
What we need to do now is to look for Christ in all things.  No matter what is going on whether it is good or bad Christ is working all things together for good to them that love Him who are called according to His purpose.  Because God has given all things into His hand He takes all things and makes it new according to His purpose and grace (2 Corinthians 5:21).  This thrills my soul that The Father trusts the Son with ALL things therefore I should trust Christ with all things too.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


How can we judge one another?  It is not our realm.  The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  Of sin because they donot believe.  Of Righteousness because Christ goes to the Father and His followers see Him no more.  And of judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged.  There is no more judgment.  Christ did not come into the world to condemn it but to save it.  On this earth He was not judge.  I am as He is in this world and I am no judge.
How can I stand in judgment of another when I the one who can stand in judgment of me does not?  What then do we proclaim? 
1.  We must understand that Christ died for all.
2.  That the Holy Spirit's anointing is upon us to:
    A.  Proclaim liberty to the captive
    B.  Healing to the broken hearted
    C.  Release to the prisoner
    D.  The jubilee of the Father
Church, proclaim salvation! Proclaim liberty! Proclaim life! Let us cease judgment and condemnation and proclaim redemption upon all people. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Apostles no tolerance for mixture

Galatians 1:6-10, 2 John 8-11

On the one hand the Apostle Paul battled against the mixture of law and grace.  And on the other John contested grace and license.  The Jews in Paul's sphere were trying to mix grace with works of the law of Moses, while John combated the gnostics who were mixing grace with sin.  The Apostles teach that Grace is the complete victory over sin; and the Christian need not rely upon the works of law to keep him righteous and holy; he can stand upon God's grace to overcome all sin.  This is what the Apostles contended with from the beginning and it is what we modern people of faith battle today.
Mixture is achieved when sin is viewed as greater than salvation.  Let me explain.  The general knowledge of believers is that sin is bad and needs to cease in the life of the believer.  Yet, we see that Christians continue to sin.  So, the Church must take up the cause to combat sin in the lives of its constituents.  One philosophy is like the Jews in Paul's time; hit him with the law.  The understanding is that the law will keep people in line.  Grace is too soft on sin it has to be mixed with grace in order to keep the believer in check.  The second philosophy is that if grace covers all then it really doesn't matter how believers act as long as they are "born again" and going to heaven.  After all we are "sinners saved by grace," and need merely to ask for forgiveness.  Both philosophies give greater power to sin than to the work of redemption and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Both of these philosophies are error.
Grace and truth are the power over sin.  It is God's unmerited favor that gives us the authority and stance we take over sin.  Paul says that it is the grace of God in which we stand.  A stance is not just where we are but a place in which we make a solid defense and offense against an enemy.  I think of one famous stand in history (well it didn't really work out to good) Custer's last stand.  (I couldn't immediately think of another.)  Grace is our out and out stance against sin.  We can't lose standing in God's unmerited favor; His grace is greater than all our sin.  We are saved by Grace (the power and stance of God's unmerited favor) through faith.  Our victory is actualized when we trust in grace over sin and death.  Faith unlocks the super-abundant power of grace over sin in our lives. 
Mixture weakens our stance, because we are not completely relying upon the Lord.  When we rely upon the law we are demonstrating that the work of Christ was not finished but man needs to do more to be right with God.  This is really offensive to God because it diminshes the work of Christ making it weak in regard to sin.  And when grace is mixed with license it proves that we believe sin is more powerful than the gift of God; the Holy Spirit.  Mixture empowers sin. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Refections on the Now

God identified Himself to Moses as I am when they met in the  desert.  He didn't recount the past nor did He reveal the future with His name.  He simply was telling Israel I am the Now.  He is present with them this day and all that they encounter in this moment He is there to provide, protect, establish, and guide.  And Moses had come to rely and crave that present Now.  In fact in a later point God said that His presence would go with Moses and he said that he would not go if the presence of God was not with him.  Moses had come to a point that he was not relying upon what had happened yesterday nor what might happen tomorrow; but where God was in the now.  That is all that mattered.
Is that all that matters to us?  That is my question today.  I am at a place where I have no experience from the past to glean from nor do I have a picture of what tomorrow is going to bring.  All I have in this moment in the knowledge of His presence.  Sometimes I struggle with that really being enough.  But out in the wilderness the "I AM" must be enough, it is all you've got.  Moses discovered as we will discover that His presence is always with us and it always changes things.  It will bring you to your Promised Land.  A place and life of blessing and abundance.  I Am sent you. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


1 Corinthians 6:17

There is more to Christianity than just doctrine, missions, and worship.  It is not just about doing good deeds and being a loving neighbor.  All these things are really by-products of the main thing.  Our text today teaches us the "main" thing; union.  We are not just people who have beliefs we are intimately and uniquely joined to God in Christ Jesus.  "The one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him." 
When we confess Christ as Lord and that He was raised from the dead we are not just saved judiciously we are born again and brought into a spiritual relationship with God.  Paul relates it to when a man and woman engage in sexual intercourse they become one.(1 Corinthians 6:16)  God and man are connected together in Jesus Christ. You are brought into Jesus and He is brought into you.  Paul understood this when He wrote Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 1:27.  He lives through me and I live through Him.  As a branch and a vine are connected and produce fruit so the Christian is fused into Christ and He flows through the believer to produce the life. 
The Secret? Paul said it in Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  All things are possible to Jesus.  And because you and I are fused together with Him all things are possible.  I can do nothing apart from Him.  So the secret is living with confidence and adherence to the fusion of the lives of you and Christ.  We must not allow anything to come between that reality and our lives.  Today, live with the confidence of union and expect all things to flow from it.  The hard part is waiting for fruit. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Burden for Love

1 Corinthian 13

If we don't have love we are nothing.  Love is the character of God; He can't separate His actions from who He is.  And so the Church which is His fullness must also bear this character.  Our faith is literally smoke and mirrors without the radical character of God's love.  It is the foundation of all the "disciplines" and "missions" of  the Church.  If this key element is missing then they eventually will founder in mediocrity and irrelevence.  I believe the Church has come to this point because we have chosen moralism over the heart of Christ's love.
Today is a call to keep ourselves in the love of Christ.  My burden is for us to seek first Christ's love and let it pulse through our minds, hearts, souls, and personalities.  We need to stop dictating to love our own philosophies and paradigms and begin to receive from it truth.  There is simply no limits to the love of God and that is what Paul in Ephesians was wanting to discover.  The height, the depth, the width, and the length of the surpassing knowledge of love.
What we need to do is not try to love others.  That is relying on our own selves to produce something only God can give.  Our call to action is to realize that He is love in and through us.  The love of God exists in me because the God of love is in me.  Therefore His presence is the answer I need to love all people with His love.  It is not me trying to conjure up feelings of love for humanity, but rather me accepting the reality that the resource of the fullness of God's love is only a choice away.  One choice to let the Holy Spirit move every day is all it takes to release the flood of God's love out. 
Do you believe?  The love of God's explusion depends upon my faith that He is love, that He loves me and all others, and that He can love through me.  I am the conduit not the broker.  If we don't believe that it is possible it will not be possible.  And all that amazing love that warms us will be hidden from the world and the good name of Christ will be blasphemed because the Love that He that claims is His character is absent in this cruel time.  Oh, let us believe and let God release through us the amazing tide of His incredible love.  Today is the day. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It was For Freedom

Galatians 5:1

That first clause of 5:1 has been on my mind strongest today.  It was for freedom.  Jesus has given us liberty from all things (Act 13:38&39) and yet we find ourselves in bondage to a thousand things.  Paul preaches that He has freed us from all things; and yet it seems like so many of those things still have mastery over our minds, eyes, and hearts.  But it was FOR freedom that Christ has set us free and we should not be entangled again to anything.  It is so amazingly simple; for freedom He has made us free.  And yet we complicate it with laws, guilt, condemnation, and processes. 
The process that makes us free is the redemption.  Christ redeemed us and fulfilled all processes to make us free from all things.  Now, we have to choose the work of Christ and His freedom over whatever binds us.  It seems to silly to think that belief in the Finished Work is enough.  I want to let it be.  No, I have not proven this perfectly.  There are things that still conquer me from time to time; I wish it were not so.  But I am realizing slowly that grace IS the power that was first instrumental in motivating God to send Christ, but also is the power that leads me in the freedom for which Christ set me free.
Could it be I need to exercise my freedom?  Is declaring to temptation, sin, doubt, stress, and people that I am a righteous, free man enough to exert my freedom?  If I don't exert my freedom I will be exerted upon by captivity.  We must let the Holy Spirit that is present exert its influence upon all that which tries to bind us.  That is my heart's true desire.  May it be so in Christ Jesus for the reality is that I AM FREE!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

His Grace is More Than Enough

2 Corinthians 12

Paul said that he had a messenger of Satan to buffet and asked God three times if He would remove it from him.  God answered "my grace is sufficient."  And for some reason we have made grace a kind of consolation prize to what we were asking for in the first place.  We think God is not answering us but giving us His grace instead of the solution to the problem.  Our job then is to take the grace of God and endure whatever thing is causing us to suffer.   But that is not what Paul thought of the more than enough nature of Grace.  It is the answer.
God never said "no" to Paul's request for relief.  He said, "My grace is more than enough, power is perfected in weakness."  Grace became the power of Paul's life to live regardless of his circumstance.  Often times we think that because God doesn't answer our prayers right away he is saying no.  What we need to do is wait for the grace of God to roll out into our lives.  We are affected so immensely by a "microwave - high speed" society that if God is not responding immediately something is wrong.  God's sovereign grace and its operation are not limited to time and space; it is not affected by deadlines and schedules.  Just because there isn't instantaneous results doesn't mean God is saying no.  In fact He has already said yes, Grace.
What we have to do is trust the details of Grace to Him.  I think that is the hardest part of walking by faith in God's grace.  The reason we often fail is because we are not sure if God will do for us what is the best.  And we judge His performance by the circumstances we are experiencing.  We trust our sight and not His grace.  However, our vision should be dictated by His grace and not our sight.  Can you imagine if your Point of View was filtered through the Grace of God?  You would see everything as a gift of God and that God is indeed good.
Gratitude and Thanksgiving is attitude of the one who is convinced in their heart that "grace is more than enough."

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Better Part

Whenever we talk about the time when Mary and Martha were serving Christ there is a collective sigh; largely because many of us are like Martha.  We get so bogged down in the details of life that we don't or can't focus in on the mainstream of life.  I never really understood this until I left the professional pulpit and struck out in the world of work.  Our lives are so full of things even "good" things that we fail to realize what the better part really is.
Jesus said that, "seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) The question is what does it mean to seek His Kingdom and Righteousness?  The answer to that question is found in the very Genesis of history when Adam and Eve were created.  He decided to make man and place him in the garden of Eden.  The Psalmist prophetically said that, "He made him a little lower than God and crowned Him with glory and honor." (Psalm 8:4-8) 
First God blessed man.  Now man had not done one thing to earn the blessing; his blessing did not come through obedience it came as a sovereign work of God's unmerited favor.  After he was blessed God said to him to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.  Adam was to exercise dominion and authority over all the works of God's hands.  What a life!  God had blessed man with His own image and righteousness and gave Him authority to carry out God's word and work on earth. 
Man lost that when he sinned in the garden; he lost his righteousness and his rule.  But the good news is that Christ won it back on  the cross.  Jesus told His disciples to pray, "thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  And the prayer was answered in the Son of God.  What the first Adam could not do the second accomplished.  Jesus has restored man's rightful place in the universe once more. (Hebrews 2:5-15)  This is the better part of life.
So many of us are like Martha still trying to live through Adam.  We do not seek the righteousness of Christ but our own attempts at it.  The worries and cares of Adam's image plague our minds and sap our strength.  How often we let the kingdoms of men and nations suppress the reality of the risen Christ in us.  It is time that we stop looking to ourselves to serve God and live this life; and start looking to Christ and the Finished Work He accomplished.  We are righteous because of the Cross; we are Kings because we are in Christ and He is in us.  Let us now be like Mary, focused on Jesus.  Living our lives by faith in His righteousness and authority.  The rest will be added on top.  Seek the better part first.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Cross and The devil

John 12:31-33.

Jesus made an awesome statement in our text today.  He said that, "Now is the judgment of the world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out."  There are two amazing truths exposed here in this verse.  The first is that Christ Himself was going to be judged for the whole world's sin. And the second was that in the same act the devil was going to be deposed of His rule.  You see the Finished Work of the Cross is the satisfying of the demands of the law against sinners; and that is the only victory Satan had over the world. 
Jesus said now!  The Church has become future orientated in regard to our view of scriptures.  For over 150 years we have interpreted the Scriptures through Daniel and Revelation.  But the true way is not to look forward to the "second coming" but to look back through the Cross.  Jesus never suggested that our victory was future and that we had to struggle along till He returned a second time.  He showed here that the judgment of the world was in His own body on the Cross.  And that because the thorn in man's side was removed the Devil no longer had a foothold in the lives of men.  John in his first letter said that Christ was the propitiation of our sin and not only ours but the whole world's.
Jesus went on in our text to show how the judgment would take place, "and I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.  This He said, signifying what death he would die."  When Jesus said this He wasn't saying that this was how evangelism would work when a man preaches about Him.  He was telling us that on the cross He would draw all men unto His death.  The death that He died would gather the sin and death of all humanity and there be judged in His body.  Paul would later write, "if one died for all; then were all dead." (2 Corinthians 5:14 KJV)  Jesus tasted death for everyone (Hebrews 2:9) so that everyone could "taste" His life.  On the Cross the full debt of your sin and the judgment for it was gathered into the body of Jesus and you were released.
The Devil therefore has no play in your life.  The King James Version says in Hebrews 2:14, that Jesus destroyed the devil; and in 1 John 3, Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  Lets see if the Cross destroyed Him then we have continual and eternal victory over everything he tries.  We should not fear him nor believe that he has any authority, power, or influence in our lives.  I am afraid that many Christians put more faith in his works than in the Finished Work of Christ.  Faith in the Finished Work of Christ is how we are saved and is our everlasting victory of the power of the devil.  So, looked to the cross where the serpent is CRUSHED!!!! (rememer what God said to Adam and Eve, he shall bruise His heel but HE shall CRUSH his head.)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

With Christ

The Lord has been teaching me that this life is not me trying to please God through perfect religious performance; it is a living connection with God in Christ.  Christ became identified with me and took me with Him to the cross, grave, hell, resurrection, and to the very throne of God.  I am with Him there now.  He did all this so that God could be imparted through the Holy Spirit to every man.  And man could take God with Him into this life.  Christianity therefore is living this life in and through Christ. 
Jesus can't just be a part of your life; He is your life.  Paul says this in Colossians 3:4, "When Christ who is our life..."  Too many believers make God a category in the resume of life.  When they are asked about religion they check a box or when things get tough and all resources exhausted they turn to Him.  I know because I used to work at making Jesus a part of the whole.  God did not send His Son to the Cross so that He could be a part of the whole, but so that we could become part of the whole life of God in Christ Jesus.  We are grafted in to His life.
Paul said that he was crucified with Christ and that he was no longer the one living but Christ was living in and through him.  A great error is thinking that we have solely invited Christ into our lives; when the truth is that He has invited us into His life.  We are a part of the whole now because of the Finished Work of Christ.  That means that we alive to God and and His life in partnership with Him and He with us.
Our faith is connection with Christ.  We are hidden in Him and as He is so are we in the world.  As He has brought us into His life we need to bring Him into ours.  Letting Him have our fears as we take His joy; letting Him have our despair as we received His hope.  This is what fellowship means to share life with Christ.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grace Reigns in life

Romans 5:18-21

Paul is comparing the work of Adam with the work of Jesus.  We see the effects of Adam everyday and tend to trust in his failure more than Christ's success.  The Apostle teaches that the first man's sin does have an effect.  Adam's disobedience ushered sin into the world and condemnation came with it.  But Jesus' Finished Work (ONE righteous act) brought life-giving justification for all.  The work of Jesus surpasses the work of Adam.  Paul goes on to say that because of Adam's sin many were made sinners.  We believe today that everyone is a sinner.  Adam's work infected everyone.  Yet, when we speak of the work of Christ it doesn't (in our theology) change people completely.  So, in essence we exclaim yes to the work of Adam by faith, but to the work of Christ?
The revelation that Paul gives says the work of Christ makes men righteous.  Adam made men sinners; Jesus makes them righteous.  Whose work wins?  If you are still a "sinner by nature" then Adam's work is more complete and Christ is a coming work.  Think about it; Adam's work had immediate results.  Why would the work of Christ have results that would be processional?  Romans the 5th chapter teaches that the results of the work of Christ are not only instanteous but life-changing.  Not only is the work of justification immediate it changes us by nature.
Grace reigns in life through the righteous act of Jesus.  His righteousness given to us by the Unmerited Favor of God and our acceptance only by faith causes Grace to reign over sin, death, and hell.  Often times we don't let it reign because we can't accept the Unmerited Favor of God.  We still think we have to earn it with good deeds and perfect performance.  Christians (including myself) fail to continually realize that if I would believe in the Grace of God absolutely I would watch it conquer temptation, sin, failure, disease, poverty, etc...If we would only trust solely in the Finished Work of Christ then we would see the life that God has promised.  It rests on faith.  Grace is already reigning all around us; faith opens our eyes and draws our attention off us and onto the Unmerited Favor of God.  "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."  Purity of heart is oneness of vision; therefore don't look at yourself as a miserable sinner, but the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 
After this you will see "Grace as it is falling all around you."

Monday, January 7, 2013

Grace is Enough

Titus 2:10&11

We (the Church) are presently afraid of Grace in an undiluted state.  Many believe that if we preach such a grace that people will take it as a license to do whatever they want.  I have heard it called "greasy grace" and shudder that we have posted such an ugly concept with such a beautiful thing.  What a man means when he combines "greasy" with "grace" is that grace apart from law is an open invitation for church members to sin and get away with it.  He is suggesting that God's standard of righteousness is laxed so people can live a life of sin.  These maintain that we need the law to instruct and keep man on the straight and narrow.

Law never instructs man to be godly, sensible, or righteous.  It is simply not built that way.  The Law came to (1) identify what sin is, (2) condemn the sinner, (3) bring the whole world together under sin, (4) to condemn Jesus so we could go free.  And finally we don't need the law because it only arouses sin.  Take for instance you have a green house made of glass next to a school.  To keep the little boys from throwing rocks at your fine green house you post a sign that says "don't throw rocks."  You have made a fatal error; you have now awakened the need in every little boy to break glass.

Grace teaches us how to deny ungodliness and worldly desires.  That is what Paul taught Titus in his letter.  Grace appeared bringing salvation; Christians believe that explicitly.  But Paul didn't stop there and he didn't add to grace a law to keep man from sinning.  He said that was Grace's job.  Grace will instruct and lead not the law.  We don't need the law any more because it didn't do the job anyway.  It has been replaced by Grace that can manage our righteous life.  Paul says it teaches us to live sensibly and righteously now in this present age.  We think that because this world is so sinful that it is impossible to live perfectly righteous in this evil world.  That is because we are looking to a grace watered down by law.  God's grace will guide us for that is it's purpose along with saving us.  AMAZING GRACE.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Absurdity of Belief

John 3:15
Some people have a hard time with the "just believe" prerequisite for salvation.  They are convinced that there must be more than belief to stand before God justified.  Yet, that is exactly what Christ and the Apostles teach.  It almost seems just too good to be true.  Let me take you back to an Old Testament story to explain this phenomenon.  The story is from the book of Numbers and is about Moses in the wilderness. 
The Children of Israel were murmuring against God about being brought into the wilderness to die and so God sent "fiery" serpents in response.  The word fiery might mean when they bit there was a burning sensation as the people were dieing.  But more likely it followed the definition of "cruel."  These snakes were not as wild ones trying to get away from man; they were out to kill.  The serpents were sent with the mission to condemn the sinners to death.  Well the people cried out to God so that He would remove the snakes.  It seemed like a simple solution.  They were sorry and God sent the snakes, so He now can remove them; we got the picture.  But instead God told Moses to fashion a bronze serpent and put it at the top of a pole.  Everyone who "looked" to the serpent would be healed.  Now that took great faith.
God did not say "prove your pentitent hearts by doing something."  He didn't call them to clean up their act or promise never again to grumble.  The solution provided was simply to look up to the staff and they would be healed.  Probably if it had been some "law-based" idea it would be easier to believe, but to look at stick with a bronze snake on it must have seemed too easy.  I don't like snakes around even harmless, non-venomous snakes; I would have rather God just taken them away.  We could imagine the arguments people gave when He didn't.  Just look? Is that enough?
Bronze in the bible always signifies judgment; God told Moses to fashion the likeness of the judgment (bronze snake) on a staff.  The thing that was killing them was molded in judgment and if the people believed (trusted in absolutely) in that judgment they were healed and saved.  Jesus later says that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so the Son of man must be lifted up.  He became what was killing us; that perfect man who never sinned was twisted in judgment so that we could be healed.  By His stripes you are healed. 
All He calls us to do is to look to Him and believe.  Not just believe that He died and was raised; but that is what it takes to be saved.  He calls us to trust in His provision.  We can't save ourselves by works of the law; we have to trust that what Jesus did was enough to please and appease God.  There is no one else who can save us from our sin.  If you trust in Him but feel like you also need to do something to help you can't be saved.  You have to fall completely on His grace.  Pretty scary, but that is what real faith is, trusting absolutely in the Finished Work of Christ.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jesus Dealt with Sin

John 1:29
The Testimony of man.  All of us are sinners and we need to fight sin in order to be right with God.  Yet, even though we try we will still sin.  What we have to do is read the bible, pray, avoid the evil world, and if we falter ask for forgiveness.  Therefore our lives are filled with frustrating failures and futile attempts at being holy.  We make promises to God and resolutions every year to be better than what we were before.  Only to come crashing down soon after we have confessed our resolve.  But there is a different way; a way that was carved out for us by Christ.  John the Baptist declares it and we have a choice to believe it or the testimony of modern evangelical reasoning. 
"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."
This is revolution to the world of religion.  Everyone is trying to deal with the evil of the world and in themselves.  One "solution" is to make laws to try and keep men from evil.  Yet, we have learned that no one can keep the whole law perfectly.  If a man eskews evil in his word and deed; his mind can be full of evil thoughts and intents.  Man on his own armed with only religion cannot deal with sin.  It will master him.
Jesus however, comes along and defeats sin with His life and death.  John testifies that He is the Lamb of God that takes sin away.  In order to understand this we have to go back to Old Covenantal sacrifice.  The lamb (perfect and innocent in every way) was brought by the sinner to be inpected by the High Priest.  Then the sins of the man and nation where confessed over the lamb.  The sin of the offerer was TRANSFERRED into the body of the lamb; and the lamb's innoncence and perfection were transferred into the body of the man.  The offering would become sin and the man would become perfect.  All the sin of the man was punished in the body of the lamb; all the righteousness of the lamb became the offerers.  It doesn't sound fair but that is how God set things up.  So when John says that Jesus is the lamb of God he is saying that Christ became our sin so we could become His righteousness.  It was transferrance. 
Christ took our sins.  This is the first part of our victory.  Think about the reality that Jesus took every sin that plaques humanity and became those things as and for the world.  He took our sins away from us.  All lying, stealing, cheating, and killing were seized by Christ and removed from us.  The Psalmist says that God "removes our sin from us as far as the east is from the west."  Our transgressions are removed from us.  How?  First the Father deemed Him a perfect sacrifice at His baptism (This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased).  He gathered up sin on the cross and it was condemned in His flesh. Then and there my sin and the sin of the whole world was dealt with in one fell swoop.  He conquered it for me in His body.  And my rap sheet was nailed to the cross (And I bear it no more....). 
He takes AWAY the sin of World.  Jesus taking our sins is an amazing thought but combined with the word away empowers the reality that our sin is gone.  He systematically took it and cast it away from humanity.  We keep trying to do what has already been done by Jesus.  He procurred my sin and died with it; it died with Him.  When Christ was buried the sin of the world was buried as well.  And when Jesus descended into Hades my sin was consumed in the fires of everlasting judgment.  Praise the Lord.  Jesus is risen; my sin is not. 
What now?  The testimony of man teaches us that in order to beat sin one must pray, beat the body, and use the Holy Ghost to combat the devil and sin.  John testifies that Jesus took away the sins of the world.  All our self-efforts even combined with the power of the Holy Spirit are not enough to defeat sin.  But faith in what Jesus did does.  I need to confess belief in the work of the Cross as my power over temptation and sin.  Paul said that we need to "reckon ourselves indeed dead to sin, but alive unto God."  Sin no longer shall be your Master; because Jesus took it away.  We must trust absolutely and only in Jesus' victory over sin and not look to ourselves to try.  Confess your freedom.  Declare His righteousness. 
If you are struggling with certain sins know that your efforts will not bring you victory.  There is no will power nor program of man to help you stop.  You must first recognize what Jesus did and believe the testimony of John even when you don't see the evidence.  Keep on confessing the truth.  Look to Jesus who TOOK AWAY your sin.  It is no longer yours; it has been removed.  It is hard to reverse ways of thinking that have been ingrained into our heads.  But God's revelation of Jesus is what we should be trusting in. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Acts 13:38&39

"By Him all that believe are justified from all things."


Christ's death, descent, and resurrection not only provide the way for us to live eternally but also to be freed from all things.  In our attempts to preach the gospel we have freed men from the fear of death and Hell in the future but gave them no hope presently.  But the gospel preached through Christ liberates the believer from all things past, present, and future.  It sets man up to live totally freed from all sin, guilt, and condemnation.

He does the work.  The phrase "by Him" determines that the work of justification (freedom) has been accomplished by Jesus Christ.  The believer is not justified by any deed he can do; he is not free because he is good or performs perfectly before God.  Jesus' deeds (not man's) are applied to the account of all believers. 

Jesus told the crowds that the work that God required of man was to believe in the Son whom God had sent.  The work is not just believing in the teaching of Jesus; it is to trust in His life, death, provision for salvation, and His Finished Work.  Man is to lean the weight of his soul and life on what Christ did.  We ought not ask the question What would Jesus do, but rather what did Jesus do?

Jesus freed the believer from all things.  This thought is so refreshing in light of legalistic religion that binds up man under the condemnation of all his errors.  Jesus' work releases man from the sin and guilt of ALL things.  This means that there is nothing that is remembered, held in storage, or left unjustified.  Past, present, and future failings are not just covered they are eradicated in the work of Jesus Christ.  It was for freedom that Christ has set us free.