February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The New Law of Life

  Believers are so weighted down with guilt and condemnation.  It reminds of poor old Jacob Marley in The Christmas Carol; he forged chains in life that caused agony and anguish in his death.  This is the way that many Christians still live their life and expect when they die.  They can't shake the overwhelming dread of sins past and present causing them to live in disqualification and fear.  It is a oppressive fear that paralyzes a person so much they can't live in the freedom of the Finished Work of Christ.  They interpret every negative thing as God's retribution either for a past or present failure.  Some continually live bound by a sense of guilt and disqualify themselves for God's gracious blessing.  What is the answer?  The Gospel.
    The Gospel is the good news and good it is.  See the whole scriptures teach us that God is in the business of redemption not condemnation.  His program is love and salvation.  Look at John 3:15-19.  This details God's program out for you.  He says that He is lifted up for salvation and it is His work not ours.  We don't have to work for our salvation; He did it.  All we do is look to Him in faith and we will be saved.  For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes should not perish but have everlasting life.  That is why He came; not to beat man down in guilt and condemnation but to save Him from it.  The one who believes is not condemned; the one who does not believe is condemned already.  This is how God worked.  He took all His anger out for our sin in the body of His Son so that we might be freed absolutely from it. 
   It was for freedom that Christ set us free now don't go back into slavery again.  What slavery?  The one that is from living under the law of sin and death.  Christ's death brought us into a new life.  He was born into this world and died as our sin; so that we could die to our sin and be born into His life. This is the new law of life in the Spirit.  The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set you free from the law of sin and death.  There was a law at work in Jesus that overcame the law of sin and death.  It is a greater law; greater than all the sin of humanity.  Wow!  The law of sin and death no longer is master over you.  The New Law of life means that you are redeemed, righteous, holy, and qualified for the blessings of God.  No more condemnation, ever!
   Here is the law of the New Creation; Every man who is in Christ is a new creation, old things are gone, new things have come.  Sin and death are not included in the new things.  Stop living in guilt and condemnation; live in expectancy of God's unmerited favor. 

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