February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Monday, December 31, 2012

If God be for us Part 2

Romans 8:31-34

Often times when we fail we get into our minds that God is on HIs throne and we are waiting to be judged.  That is what we have been told.  And every negative thing that happens in retribution for the crimes that we have committed.  Our belief is that God is just in the punishment He deals out even though we are grieved at the severity.  The sin we committed is worthy of all penance we have to endure.
But then I read scripture like the above text and realize that the courtroom is arranged in a different way.  "Who shall bring charge against the chosen ones?" This question comes on the heels of Paul's declaration of the Finished Work of Christ.  John says that "IF we sin we have an advocate with the Father."  Christ has become the satisfaction of the demands of the Law as us setting us free from the judgment.  This truth is demonstrated in Romans 8:32 when Paul answers the question of who can bring charge; He says, "It is God who justifies."  God does not bring condemnation He makes the condemned righteous.  It is God who JUSTIFIES.  What powerful words.  The One seated on the throne is not up there waiting for us to fail and then He gleeful "lowers the boom."  But He has already made provision and by that has forever acquitted us.  We are declared righteous by the Holy Judge.  And there is no longer any need for penance.  For it is Christ who as punished for our peace (Isaiah 53:5) 
As for the negative things that happen, well that is just life.  Things break down, people get sick, and situations arise that should evoke faith in us.  We make them worse by believing that God is punishing us for our mistakes.  Live in the knowledge of God's righteous judgment over your life and that is is always for you. 

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