February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Testimony of Jesus Rev. 19:10

 To read and study the bible is an excellent thing.  But we must do so with the  right context in order to understand God's message to the world.  The writer of Hebrews said that in the old days God spoke through the Patriarchs and Prophets but in these last days He has spoken to us through His Son.  If we just read the Old Testament without understanding the foundational thread that  runs through we get bogged down in stories, laws, and dogma.  But when we come to realize that all is revealed in the Finished Work of Christ we see the true revelation of God.

    Jesus on the road to Emmaus sat down with two disciples and beginning with the law and the prophets explained Himself in the text.  He took the Old Testament and preached Himself.  We ought to study the Bible not to try and figure out what is right, what is not right, how to get right and how to stay right. (I use to say this religiously)  But we delve into the Old Covenant in order to understand the Finished Work of Christ.

    I have heard men quote revelation that cursed is everyone that added to the word of God and took away from it.  But there is a revelation in Revelation 19:10 that tells us what the spirit of prophecy is.  It is not about future events only but before all it is the testimony of Jesus (His work on the cross and resurrection) that teaches us what full of the bible is all about.  It is all about Jesus. 

   I pray every day that The Spirit would reveal the Son in everything I read in the bible. I now see Him in every story, picture, and teaching. Let Emmaus be your standard for study.  May your heart burn within you as you do so.

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