February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Grace and Truth (John 1:17)

   Grace and Truth were realized through Jesus Christ.  This statement overwhelms my life as I ponder on what Christianity is all about.  This is a great misunderstanding in the Church and world what it means to be Christian; it is about Grace and Truth.  We have believed it to be about moral living in an immoral world.  Yet, this is not what Jesus came to reveal.  Moralism was given through the Mosaic system of law, and the church has mingled moralism and redemption for many years.  Christianity is not about making bad people good; it is about bringing dead people to life.  There is only one foundation by which this activity can truly be accomplished; Grace and Truth. 
    The law can tell people what sin is and the punishment for it, but it can't be the foundation for salvation.  It kills, period.  But Grace and Truth set the stage for God to kill His Son by the Law, and raise Him back up for man's redemption.  Man is never "redeemed" by the law, but the Grace and Truth of God provide a rock solid basis to bring man to life and glory.  Jesus revealed that Grace and Truth in everything He did because He was full of it.  He was not full of moralism but full of the unmerited favor of God founded on the truth of God's righteous holiness. 
    What is Christianity about? Simply Jesus; the revelation of God's grace and truth.  That is it. 

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