February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter every day

Because Christ is risen we are continually celebrating His resurrection.  We must be careful not to let religion confine such an awesome treasure to once a week, once a year.  The present risenness of Christ is immediate and continuous, immeasurable and uncontainable.  And because we reduce it to time slots in our weekly schedule we are missing out on knowing the power of the resurrection.  Today, Christ is Risen! Tomorrow Christ is Risen and Forevermore Christ is Risen!
We can celebrate the risen Christ in every thing we do from our rising in the morning to the closing of our day.  It is applied in our times of weakness and in our time of strength.  The risenness of Christ is relevent when we are sick and in health, in poverty and in wealth.  We can have the same affection every moment for Easter as we do once a year.  The power of the risen Christ will never grow old and it won't become routine.  The more I learn of it and the more it consumes sin, sorrow, and fear the more I love hearing the mention of the very word. Resurrection! (shudder, awe, Bam I love it)
When the Church realizes that the Risen Christ is the answer and cure for society, sin, and the brokenness of people, then we can see the "holiday" manifest into the streets.  My heart is heavy and burdened that the love and power that eminates from holiday is not an every moment of our lives experience. It is like how I felt after watching the Passion of the Christ; that emotion, love, and fullness is mine for the taking.  The power of the Resurrection is my wealth; the overwhelming victory that changes everything every day.
Oh, that I may know Him and the Power of His Resurrection!!!!!! Christ is Risen, now and forever!!

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