February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Kingdom has gone Public!

God has not been hiding in the shadows for about 2000 years now.  He opened the door in the Life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of His Son.  At one time only a select, holy, few could even get close to the curtain He dwelt behind, but now the curtain has been torn and open access granted.  He took His Kingdom and made it public; what was once privately owned is now offered to all.  Yes, all the trade secrets, blessings, and profits are open to whomever will come to Him.  Jesus said, "Don't fear little flock for it has pleased the Father to give you His Kingdom.
There are no longer private shares and public shares; whatever is His is now yours, believer.  This is what John wrote about in his first letter, "our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ."  Fellowship is more than "hanging out" eating food.  It is about sharing all things in common with everyone else in the fellowship.  Christ invites us into His fellowship; He gives us all of what He has and is. 
This Kingdom life is all about faith.  We have to come and make our lives public to Him there can be no private ownership of anything.  Whatever we withhold from His touch will never be what it could be with His life infused to it.  It is truly unfortunate that there are areas of our life where we actually believe we have the ability outside Him to control.  I am learning that absolutely everything must be turned over in trust as He has turned over everything in trust over to me.
 Jesus said it this way, "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom."  The ones who appropriate the Kingdom are the ones who don't think they can; they are bankrupt in themselves relying fully on the provision of God for every part and parcel of their existence.  What they discover is that when they are weak He is strong.  They don't believe in themselves alone, privately; they believe in what Christ can do through them.
Are you believeing for health?  Praise God.  You are convinced that is out of your control and you are putting full reliance upon Christ to keep you free from sickness and disease.  After all you have the scriptures and promises of God, right?  What about financial freedom?  Are you trusting that God can multiple your seed for sowing?  But if this is all your believeing for your coming up short.  Why not also surrender your fight against sin; there is only one way to defeat sin and that has already been done on the Cross.  Why are we not trusting God to lead us through a sinless day as we are believing for a sick-free, poverty-free day?  Did not Paul teach that we are to "reckon ourselves to be dead to sin; but alive unto God?"  You may say impossible.  But what difference is there?  It is the same redemptive work that by His stripes we are healed and He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities.  Why do we have more faith in healing than in righteousness.  The New Covenant speaks more of righteousness and holiness than it does healing. 
Sin remains because we continue to believe it is our responsibilty to overcome it.  We don't feel that way about healing; but we don't come in poverty of spirit in regard to sin.  Remember there are no private parts; what you withhold from His power is what you have to face on your own.  It is time to take your health, wealth, and righteousness public.  Living by faith in the Finished work of Christ.  Claiming every day what you claim about your health, finance, the curse and the devil.  "I claim a sinless day today because of the Finished Work of Christ."

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