February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Freed from all law

1 Corinthians 6:12  -New International Version (©1984)
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:13  -New American Standard Bible (©1995)
All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything

I know it is hard sometimes to wrap your head around the full scope of God 's Grace.  It seems like it just goes too far in it's gratuitious nature.  Paul says it was for freedom that Christ has made us free.  But the religious among our family believe that man cannot be fully trusted with such freedom.  They maintain that he needs boundaries and posted laws to remind him the serious infractions sin and failure procure.  If he is not reminded he will surely backslide into depravity and fall short of God's glory.  And because we have been taught and enforced by our religious leaders we have a hard time trusting the full extent of God's unmerited favor. 
The truth of the matter is that the work Christ has done in us has freed us from the need of law.  A righteous man does not need law to instruct him on what is right and wrong; he already possesses the ability.  What Christ did for us is like the man so entrenched in debt and up to his eyeballs in bills.  Someone comes along and pays off his debt, and uploads millions into his account.  He no longer has bills.  No one is sending him payment booklets to remind him monthly to give his debtors their due.  It is like the man born lame in need of crutches all his life, only to be miraculously healed of his affliction; he no longer needs the crutches. 
You were unwashed, unsanctified, unjustified a person under the law; needing the law to keep you in line.  A line you would always cross. But now you are washed, sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus and in the Spirit.  There has been a miracle done in your soul to change your nature.  You no longer need a law to direct your life; you yourself can under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit in you live a lawful life.  For you are not lawless but rather lawful.  See the law has been fulfilled and there is no longer any bills to be paid, nothing to overcome. 
There may be a concern here to say all things are to me lawful; we are not sure we can be trusted with such knowledge.  If I tell a man he that all things are lawful for him will  he not go out and sin like crazy declaring that all things are lawful for him.  Paul is telling the Corinthians that no man can judge him in the food he eats or the days he observes or not.  He is saying that there is no law hanging over his head constantly bearing judgment, scrutiny, and condemnation for every little thing.  (Like smoking, drinking, and watching too much t.v.)
I am not suggesting that all sin is now become legal.  Paul goes on to say that not all things are profitable.  Even though I have great freedom there are things that magnify and maximize that freedom and there are things that are a detriment to my freedom and can master my life.  For freedom means freedom from a law that chokes out life and brings condemnation; freedom from sin and its destructive tendencies.  I shall not be master by either.  In Christ both law and sin become irrelevent to the Christian together.  We have been made lawful; so sin and law have become obsolete as crutches to a lame man made whole; or the man of debt forgiven no longer concerned about bills. 

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