February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus

February's Old Testament Pic of Jesus
It's all about Jesus

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Redemption in Your Lives

I met a man today on my journey who was a sex offender looking for a job.  I can not tell you whether he is guilty or not even though he claims he was wrongfully accused.  Nor will I take occasion to debate the severity or depravity of this man.  All I can say is I saw a depth of pain in his eyes and a sense of hopelessness in his present circumstance changing.  He was honest and open about his status and I couldn't help feel a sense of compassion stirring notwithstanding or validating any pain he has caused others.  And as he walked away I was overwhelmed with a sheer impression that mankind is in deep, dark pain. 
What has happened to the current of redemption amongst men?  Why aren't the fresh breezes of grace and mercy blowing over the tired, huddled masses on this earth?  I mean hasn't redemption reigned in this world for over two thousand years, why isn't it the common tongue of men?  It seems in reality that the message of wrath, judgment and condemnation rest upon the lips of people today rather than the dulce rhythms of God's tender salvation.  The tones rising to meet the weathered ears of sin broken people in desperate need of hope.
What "good news" is the message of modern "gospel" of turn or burn?  Men say God hates "gays" and they will perish forever in hell. Yet, is it not the love of God that is the hope to redeem them from the sin and the hell that comes after?  Or what of the young woman who in hopelessness has an abortion?  She is given the title "baby killer" and yet what were you called before redemption?  Was it not the grace of God who change your name?  What was it exactly; the severity of God that changed your purpose and destiny or was it the redemption paid in blood that set your soul free and entitled you to Kingdom?
It is time we cast off these scarlet and black letters upon the chests of men and give them the message of truth.  There is only one communication of redemption in this age; it is how you communicate it.  We must rewrite this curriculum that has been circulated amongst the "sinners" and "saints" of this age.  Men have too long sat in the throes of this "condemnation generation" without relief from its blasts pinning them to their despair and brokenness.  They need the old, old message of forgiveness, freedom, and hope. These do not need our contempt, pride, and arrogance; but the redemption that we once saw in the Saviour's eyes and heart and Word.
You may be thinking if we are not tough on sin; how will men be aware how dangerous sin is.  I have one answer for you.  The man I met today needs no new lesson on the dangers of sin; he needs to know how to beat it.  He doesn't need the correction of the Church to make him feel the sting of his error; but he does need the message of Redemption to recover from it.  Let us let redemption ring!

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